So this is a new series I'm implementing on my blog and THE LOVE LIST will just be a compilation of things I'm loving at the moment. :)
Check out the things down below!
- 2048
- The Episode of WIN: Who is Next with YG vs JYP
- And also B.I. from Team B of WIN. yum.

- Veronica Mars. I started watching it and I cannot be productive until I finish this series. GAH.
- The We Were Liars Chapter Sampler
- Watercolour tattoos.
- Iced Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks
- Moment by Standing Egg. This entire album is just really pretty piano songs. Ugh <3
- The cover of THE WINNER'S CURSE by Marie Rutkoski (refer to my review for the picture of the cover. )
- The weather. It's been consistently above zero degrees Celsius lately, which is great.
- paperfashion.net
- The word imperious.
- Brow pencil from The Face Shop.
- Glutinous Black Sesame buns from Korean Supermarkets. (way better than it sounds. LOOL.)
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