Title: The Dark World
Author: Cara Lynn Shultz
Series: Dark World
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: May 27th 2014
Source: e-ARC provided by HarlequinTeen
Paige Kelly is used to weird--in fact, she probably corners the market on weird, considering that her best friend, Dottie, has been dead since the 1950s. But when a fire demon attacks Paige in detention, she has to admit that things have gotten out of her league. Luckily, the cute new boy in school, Logan Bradley, is a practiced demon slayer-and he isn't fazed by Paige's propensity to chat with the dead. Suddenly, Paige is smack in the middle of a centuries-old battle between warlocks and demons, learning to fight with a magic sword so that she can defend herself. And if she makes one wrong move, she'll be pulled into the Dark World, an alternate version of our world that's overrun by demons-and she might never make it home.
4.5 Snowflakes!
I recieved an e-ARC from HarlequinTeen via Netgalley for an honest review. This fact in no shape or form affects my revew. Except for the existence of the review itself. I recieved no compensation for this review in any way.This is my honest opinion of the work.
So wow, okay! I totally did not expect this book to be that cute! This book after all, deals with supernatural-y things like demons and warlocks, but man, Logan and Paige are super cute!
The book started off kind of weird. She was ditching class to meet her best friend in a washroom. It gets better once you become more immersed into the story and past the first 10% of the book or so. I thought Paige was kind of annoying in the beginning and that Logan was kind of creepy, but as the book progresses, that clearly changes.
The description of the first demon encounter in the book. HOly freaking crap. All I could think, was "Are you serious. Omygod, no. This is disgusting. Nope. NOpe."
I really liked Paige's snark and comments throughout the book. She was an entertaining character and her dad's eccentricism was entertaining, though would have probably annoyed me in real life. As we learn more about Logan later in the book, he is A-FREAKING-DORABLE. I can't even. He's all confident about his demon-slaying skills but he's super-shy and blushes in front of Paige's parents. Seriously. Ajax was pretty entertaining too. I really liked his character and his snark too.
I gave this book 4.5 stars because I enjoyed it quite a lot and also I became engrossed in the story and with Logan and Paige. However, I wasn't absolutely in love with the book.
There were some great moments that need mentioning as always.
"The door quivered, then shimmered to the floor in iridescent ribbons, which fell into nothingness in the almost blinding glow outlining the entry way to the apartment."I really rather liked this book, and I look forward to the next book in the series!
"I wanted Logan to show me how to use his sword, not show me how to use his man sword."
"After about twenty more tries, my arms were getting tired, and the ground around me was a tapestry of my frantic footprints in the snow."
"Yeah, you've got the torso of an action figure and I'm the intimidating one?"
"In the story of my life, that's where you cracked the spine of the book. The mark is there, forever tattooed on my narrative and I couldn't be happier."
Happy Reading!
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