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The Tsar's Guard

So this one day I joined something called The Tsar's Guard and I was sent this letter to share with you all. So here I am sharing the letter with you. I'm super interested in finding out more about this book and this world!

Soldier :

Welcome to the Guard. The Tsar is very pleased to have you in his service. As a token of his appreciation, he would like to offer you hints about The Tsar’s Game prior to its release.

But of course, it’s never as easy as the Tsar simply handing over rewards, even to the most loyal of his followers. Nikolai and Vika must go through the Tsar’s Game before a winner may emerge as Royal Enchanter. Likewise, you must earn your rewards.

The Tsar will, however, tell you this: the number five is important in The Tsar’s Game. And therefore, on the 5th day of each month leading up to the release of the book next year, there will be a giveaway, and the prize will be a clue about The Tsar’s Game.

Over time, the hints will begin to paint a picture of the characters and the story. (Or perhaps they will merely deepen the suspense. The Tsar’s generosity and cruelty are equally unpredictable.)

The first giveaway will take place on April 5th. Until then, please spread the word about The Tsar's Game and the upcoming hunt for clues. You are welcome to copy this message to your blog, tumblr, facebook, and all other manner of communication.

And as always, we need help recruiting more soldiers for our elite army. If you’ve forgotten the link to the Guard’s page, here it is :

Pass it on to all those you deem worthy.

The Tsar thanks you gain for your dedication.

~ Captain of the Guard

ANYWAYS, you can find Evelyn Skye on twittertumblrgoodreads, or her website!

Happy Reading!
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  1. Woot I discovered this book and joined a couple days ago! I missed out on this though so thanks for sharing it Ri <3


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