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Cover Reveal Time!!!!! Scammed by Kristen Simmons (The Vale Hall #2)

Oh HI!!!

Have you read The Deceivers by Kristen Simmons yet??

If you haven't, here's a little primer on the first book:

The Deceivers

Welcome to Vale Hall, the school for aspiring con artists.

When Brynn Hilder is recruited to Vale, it seems like the elite academy is her chance to start over, away from her mom’s loser boyfriend and her rundown neighborhood. But she soon learns that Vale chooses students not so much for their scholastic talent as for their extracurricular activities, such as her time spent conning rich North Shore kids out of their extravagant allowances.

At first, Brynn jumps at the chance to help the school in its mission to rid the city of corrupt officials—because what could be better than giving entitled jerks what they deserve? But that’s before she meets her mark—a senator’s son—and before she discovers the school’s headmaster has secrets he’ll stop at nothing to protect. As the lines between right and wrong blur, Brynn begins to realize she’s in way over head.

Goodreads Page

Are you ready to see the cover for SCAMMED???

It's just a little bit further down. ;)


Here's the synopsis:

In Kristen Simmons's young adult thriller Scammed, the stakes are higher. The cons are riskier. And nothing is what you think it is.

Brynn Hilder is living a life she never dreamed possible: She lives in a mansion, getting a top-rate education at Vale Hall. She has friends and an almost-boyfriend. Anything she wants, she can have.

The only catch? To stay in this life, she has to help the director of Vale Hall take down the bad guys of Sikawa City by collecting secrets and running cons.

Getting everything she wants and fighting evil doesn’t seem like such a bad deal. The thing is, she’s not so convinced anymore that Dr. Odin is really going after bad people after all. And the friends and almost-boyfriend that have made her life so different are all liars and con artists—so can she trust that any of it is real?

SCAMMED releases February 4th 2020 and you can find the Goodreads page here!! 

I'm sure you noticed that there's a bit of a cover change for the series with the release of this cover, so I'm pleased to be able to also show you the new cover for The Deceivers!!

This new cover drops in paperback also on February 4th 2020!! 


Kristen Simmons is the critically acclaimed author of the ARTICLE 5 series, THE GLASS ARROW, METALTOWN, PACIFICA, and THE DECEIVERS. She has worked with survivors of abuse and trauma as a mental health therapist, taught Jazzercise in five states, and is forever in search of the next best cupcake. Currently she lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, where she spends her days supporting the caffeine industry and chasing her son.

Happy Reading!
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