So I bought a bunch of books this month. And as always, I have no self control. At all. I swear I'm going to blow my budget every month now. There are SO many books coming out this fall it's ridiculous. So here are the books that I bought/received this month.
- DARKFEVER by Karen Marie Moning
- THE ASSASSIN'S CURSE by Cassandra Rose Clarke
- THE FIERY HEART by Richelle Mead
- DANGEROUS GIRLS by Abigail Haas
- OPPOSITION by Jennifer L. Armentrout
- LUX:BEGINNINGS by Jennifer L. Armentrout
- HORRORSTÖR by Grady Hendrix
I binge read the second and third books in the Bloodlines series and I NEEDED to read the next one. I've read it now and now I need Silver Shadows. All my copies of the Bloodlines books are in paperback, so I kind of have to wait until it comes out in paperback. :( I really need to read it. Like. NEED.
If you haven't already read this post, I went out with my best friend into the city and we visited the Indie book store, Bakka Phoenix. I picked up THE ASSASSIN'S CURSE there and I'm currently reading it. It's pretty good so far and the book is so nice! It has such heavy, nice paper. It's so sad that Strange Chemistry closed down.
I picked up DARKFEVER on the recommendation of Octavia from Read.Sleep.Repeat. It's a paranormal romance with faeries in it and there's Irish accents in it(?). That's all I really know about it, but I love paranormal romance and I'm sure there's a swoony man that I can add to my harem of book boyfriends.
I read and reviewed DANGEROUS BOYS earlier this month and I absolutely loved it. I need to pick up a hard copy eventually, but in my effort to support this fantastically twisted author, I picked up Dangerous Girls. I won't be reading it for a little while, because I'm a little thriller-ed out after reading a couple of them in a row. I'm very, very excited to read this one though, especially after seeing what Abigail Haas had done in Dangerous Boys. I've also heard that people liked DANGEROUS GIRLS better than Dangerous Boys. I wonder which one I'll like more.
And of course, August is the month that the last book in the Lux series released. I wanted to pick up the first book in the series to re-read and found that the bind up was about the same price as one book. I will eventually pick up the other bind up and the other books in the original covers as well, mostly because I'm insane like that. And of course I had to pick up Opposition. I was a little mislead by this book because they include a prequel novella of Dawson and Bethany's story and I didn't realize that a good chunk of the book would be the prequel. And so as I got closer to the ending, I kept expecting more. Once I got to the ending, all I could think was, "WHAT? That's it?!?!?!"
Anyways, I wonder if I'll be able to hold onto some self control in September, considering that Uni's starting and stress shopping is something that I do. Also, there's some pretty awesome bargain books on Chapters and on Bookoutlet. And I have a credit card. . . Yikes.
Anyways, I'm forcing myself to finish off my September ARCs, before I let myself read Heir of Fire. Instead, let's just bask in THE GLORIOUS BEAUTY THAT IS THIS BOOK.
Happy Reading!
Brilliant haul! I love The Assassin's Curse, such a good story! Hope you like it :D
ReplyDeleteI read and I loved it! I definitely need the sequel ASAP! :)