Title: Every BreathAuthor: Ellie Marney
Series: Every #1
Publisher: Tundra Books
Release Date: October 14th 2014
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Source: e-ARC from publisher via NetGalley
When James Mycroft drags Rachel Watts off on a night mission to the Melbourne Zoo, the last thing she expects to find is the mutilated body of Homeless Dave, one of Mycroft's numerous eccentric friends. But Mycroft's passion for forensics leads him to realize that something about the scene isn't right--and he wants Watts to help him investigate the murder.
While Watts battles her attraction to bad-boy Mycroft, he's busy getting himself expelled and clashing with the police, becoming murder suspect number one. When Watts and Mycroft unknowingly reveal too much to the cold-blooded killer, they find themselves in the lion's den--literally. A trip to the zoo will never have quite the same meaning to Rachel Watts again...
I received an e-ARC from Tundra Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This fact in no shape or
form affects my review. Except for the existence of the review itself. I
received no compensation for this review in any way. This is my honest
opinion of the work.
OH. MY. FREAKING. GOD. CAN I JUST. CAN. I. JUST. EVERY BREATH makes it hard for me to breathe. (I know, I'm hilarious.)
This book is seriously made it on to my list of favourite books of this year. Like. I love it that much. I would like to also, give thanks to Gillian (@mizgillianberry on twitter) for her gushing review of this book because otherwise I wouldn't have even found this book. Like. THANK YOU.
Every Breath is a retelling of Sherlock Holmes. Except in Melbourne and Watson is female. And they're also teenagers. I absolutely adore crime dramas and the whole finding out "who did it" kind of thing. This book. THIS BOOK. is everything I could have asked for.
Mycroft is the socially awkward genius with the tragic backstory and Watts is his best friend and sidekick who has her own fair share of issues. There is so much angst and sexual tension and omygod. THE SEXUAL TENSION. I was reading this book on the bus and I would hug my ipad to my chest and silently squeal. I hope people didn't think I was crazy.
Like I said, Mycroft is socially awkward as most geniuses are, but he has that charm and a "mask" that lets him get by in the day to day without too much trouble. He's so angsty and broody and oh man. Reading this book from Rachel's point of view, I could feel the weight of Mycroft's stare. Seriously. Watts is the more physically adept one, especially since she came from the country side to the city. She hates the city and wants to get back there. In her own way, she's a genius as well. She's very good with computers and though she's not as smart as Mycroft, she does have enough intelligence that she can keep pace with Mycroft. She's pretty much his equal, which allows them to get along quite well.
One of the things that I loved about this book is that the crime was quite sophisticated and layered. I have a great love for mysteries and thrillers and I really love it when I'm surprised and my predictions are proved wrong. Some mysteries that I've read were quite predictable. This one, I predicted it right when it was about to be revealed. The harsh realities of crime weren't glossed over to make it more "YA friendly". The way that Mycroft and Watts figured out the crime wasn't only subtly referenced; it was described in great detail and progressively and I highly enjoyed it.
I'm so freaking glad that this book is the first in a trilogy because omygod, I haven't had enough of Mycroft and Watts yet. EVERY BREATH is a fabulous YA thriller with a sophisticated crime and characters you'll fall in love with. READ IT. I need to pick myself up a finished copy. Sorry (not sorry) wallet.

Happy Reading!
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